These are electronic works created for playback and not live performance. Click on titles for links to sound examples and further information.
BALLOON RELEASE (2017) - Acousmatic compositions in the context of sound installation. Premiered at Harvestworks in New York City in November 2017 and subsequently shown at Errant Sound Galerie in Berlin in November 2022.
WHAT YOU CANNOT HEAR (2011) - Telematic work that exploits artifacts of digital streaming in real time via MaxMSP. Released on a CD accompanying Volume 22 of Leonardo Music Journal in November 2012.
THE RUBBER FOREST (2006) - Judy Dunaway and Damian Catera. Live-processing by Damian Catera of me performing on my amplified tenor balloon, which I then edited and mixed into this musique concrete. Released on the CD "Mother of Balloon Music" on Innova recordings.
THE BALLOON FACTORY (2006) - Judy Dunaway and Damian Catera. Live-processing by Damian Catera of me performing on my amplified giant balloon, which I then edited and mixed into this musique concrete. Released on the CD "Mother of Balloon Music" on Innova recordings.
CHAMPAGNE IN MEXICO CITY, FRAGMENT SET NO. 1 (1997) and CHAMPAGNE IN MEXICO CITY, FRAGMENT SET NO. 2 (1997) - Performed by Judy Dunaway, balloons and Dan Evans Farkas, electronics. Edited/mixed in collaboration with Dan Evans Farkas. Champagne in Mexico City Fragment Set No. 1 and No. 2 began as a series of improvisations with Dan Evans Farkas processing the sounds of my balloons through a series of unpredictable, low-tech electronics, occasionally accentuating it with sounds from various gutted and manipulated electronic toys. These improvisations served as the source material for the final works. Released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI).
BLUEBIRD (1997) - During an artist residency at Extrapool in the Netherlands in 1994 I recorded a set of improvisations for blue balloons of various sizes. Three years later, I decided to burn a single CD of these improvisations for Fluxus artist Yasunao Tone, who creates works by damaging the surface of CDs and playing them back on an older CD player that will read back the damaged data. This piece is a 6 minute 50 second unedited playback of the CD. This track was released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI) and on the CD accompanying the book about Yasunao Tone "Noise Media Language" on Errant Bodies Press.
RUBBER PATCHWORK QUILT (1997) - This work is created from a large number of balloon sounds recorded onto an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. By accessing an error in the sampler's memory, I was able to play back the sounds in semi-random sequence. The error caused the sampler to spit out the random sequences of sounds at various speeds, interspersed with digital noise and distortion. I recorded the sequences and then transferred them to multitrack in order to create a contrapuntal arrangement. While the multitrack arrangement is predetermined, the series of sequences are largely unedited. For some reason it played back the scales in an ascending pattern. Released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI).
EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY SOMETIME (1995) - A piece for eight balloons recorded on multi-track recorder. All parts are performed by Judy Dunaway. The "song" passages are played on the mouthpiece with the rest of the balloon cut off. While this work is dedicated to Dean Martin, takes its name from the theme song to his TV show and is influenced by music of that era, it has no relation to the original song by that name. Released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI).
WHAT YOU CANNOT HEAR (2011) - Telematic work that exploits artifacts of digital streaming in real time via MaxMSP. Released on a CD accompanying Volume 22 of Leonardo Music Journal in November 2012.
THE RUBBER FOREST (2006) - Judy Dunaway and Damian Catera. Live-processing by Damian Catera of me performing on my amplified tenor balloon, which I then edited and mixed into this musique concrete. Released on the CD "Mother of Balloon Music" on Innova recordings.
THE BALLOON FACTORY (2006) - Judy Dunaway and Damian Catera. Live-processing by Damian Catera of me performing on my amplified giant balloon, which I then edited and mixed into this musique concrete. Released on the CD "Mother of Balloon Music" on Innova recordings.
CHAMPAGNE IN MEXICO CITY, FRAGMENT SET NO. 1 (1997) and CHAMPAGNE IN MEXICO CITY, FRAGMENT SET NO. 2 (1997) - Performed by Judy Dunaway, balloons and Dan Evans Farkas, electronics. Edited/mixed in collaboration with Dan Evans Farkas. Champagne in Mexico City Fragment Set No. 1 and No. 2 began as a series of improvisations with Dan Evans Farkas processing the sounds of my balloons through a series of unpredictable, low-tech electronics, occasionally accentuating it with sounds from various gutted and manipulated electronic toys. These improvisations served as the source material for the final works. Released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI).
BLUEBIRD (1997) - During an artist residency at Extrapool in the Netherlands in 1994 I recorded a set of improvisations for blue balloons of various sizes. Three years later, I decided to burn a single CD of these improvisations for Fluxus artist Yasunao Tone, who creates works by damaging the surface of CDs and playing them back on an older CD player that will read back the damaged data. This piece is a 6 minute 50 second unedited playback of the CD. This track was released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI) and on the CD accompanying the book about Yasunao Tone "Noise Media Language" on Errant Bodies Press.
RUBBER PATCHWORK QUILT (1997) - This work is created from a large number of balloon sounds recorded onto an Ensoniq ASR-10 sampler. By accessing an error in the sampler's memory, I was able to play back the sounds in semi-random sequence. The error caused the sampler to spit out the random sequences of sounds at various speeds, interspersed with digital noise and distortion. I recorded the sequences and then transferred them to multitrack in order to create a contrapuntal arrangement. While the multitrack arrangement is predetermined, the series of sequences are largely unedited. For some reason it played back the scales in an ascending pattern. Released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI).
EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY SOMETIME (1995) - A piece for eight balloons recorded on multi-track recorder. All parts are performed by Judy Dunaway. The "song" passages are played on the mouthpiece with the rest of the balloon cut off. While this work is dedicated to Dean Martin, takes its name from the theme song to his TV show and is influenced by music of that era, it has no relation to the original song by that name. Released on the CD "Balloon Music" on Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI).